As part of Neighborhood’s mission, we regularly produce issue briefs that identify ways to expand access to care, improve health care quality and control associated costs. Also, in collaboration with the Rhode Island Health Center Association, we have hosted periodic policy forums. These forums highlight topics impacting Rhode Island health care and feature national and state experts. Links to our most recent issue briefs can and forums are found below:
Issue Briefs
- Trauma Informed Care: Addressing Hidden Wounds (Issue Briefs)
- Showcasing the Value of Medicaid Managed Care
- Neighborhood’s Program for Adults with Disabilities Delivers High Quality Care and Satisfaction While Reducing Costs by 13.5%
- Health Reform and Medicaid: Expanding Access in Rhode Island
- Community Health Centers: Serving the Uninsured
- Integrated Program for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries
- RIte Care Expansion in 2014: Why the Federally-Funded Basic Health Program is the Right Choice for Rhode Island
Policy Forums
Check back for upcoming events.