January 2022
Neighborhood’s Member Services team is readily available to assist providers with Neighborhood members that may require additional education on benefits, polices, and procedures. Providers should request member outreach from Member Services by completing and submitting a Member Education Request Form (click link or see “Forms” section of www.nhpri.org/providers).
The Member Education Request Form can be used by providers for assistance with member outreach on matters including, but not limited to:
- Pattern of missed appointments
- Non-compliance with vaccines and/or pediatric preventive care
- Disruptive behavior
- Appropriate use of the emergency room
- Review of Neighborhood benefits
Providers are expected to make every effort to preserve the patient relationship, including educational outreach from Neighborhood’s Member Services department. However, in the event the issues cannot be addressed to the satisfaction of both parties, or the Neighborhood member has demonstrated an event/action/behavior considered to be serious and significant, the provider must follow the process outlined in Neighborhood’s Provider Manual, effective January 1, 2022 (“Member Dismissals from a Provider’s Care”) in order to dismiss a Neighborhood member from their practice.