Renewals for households with children are happening now!
Neighborhood wants you to stay covered. If you received a notice from the State about your Medicaid renewal, it’s important that you act right away.
Be sure your information is up to date!
Have you moved recently? Make sure you update your contact information in your account so you will receive important notices about your Medicaid renewal. Click here to update your information today.
Here’s how to renew your Medicaid coverage:

Log in to your HealthyRhode account at or download the HealthyRhode mobile app on your smartphone to complete your renewal online.

Mail in your renewal application and supporting documents to:
State of Rhode Island
P.O. Box 8709
Cranston, Rhode Island 02920-8787

Call HealthSource RI at 1-855-840-4774 Monday through Friday, except holidays, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. or call DHS at 1-855-697-4347 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, except holidays, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Call United Way at 2-1-1 for help accessing your account or to learn more about the technology resources that are available.

Keep your Medicaid benefits – RENEW ON TIME!
You got a letter in the mail because the State of Rhode Island needs to confirm that you’re still eligible for Medicaid benefits.
- If the letter is on white paper and says “Be Ready. Stay Covered” don’t worry. It is not your turn to renew yet.
- If the letter is on yellow or white paper and says “Recertification/Renewal Notice”, it’s time for you to renew.
- If the letter is on green paper and says “Important Information About your Medicaid Coverage – Please Take Action Right Away” follow the instructions in your Special Circumstance notice.
If you received a notice asking you to send additional information to the State for them to review your eligibility and you don’t do this, you eventually may be terminated from the Medicaid program. This means you will be disenrolled from Neighborhood and will not have coverage for things like doctors’ visits, prescriptions, etc.
- Make sure your mailing address is up to date on the HealthyRhode website.
- Find your estimated Medicaid renewal date by logging in to your account at
- If you still have questions, call DHS at 1-855-697-4347, call HealthSource RI at 1-855-840-4774, or use HealthSource RI’s chat feature HERE and click on the “Chat with us” circle in the bottom right corner of the screen.
The State has now begun the renewal process for children and households that include children. This does not include children in the care, custody, and control of DCYF. Renewals for children go until May 31, 2024.
Some dependent children in your households may be renewed automatically with a Report Changes Only renewal. If something about the dependent child’s status has changed, you must tell the State. Some parents or caregivers in the same household may need to provide certain documents or information. This is an Action Required renewal. Both renewal types will appear in the same renewal notice for the household.
- There may be a chance that you don’t qualify for Medicaid anymore.
- That’s okay – Neighborhood may have a plan for you!
- Call the Neighborhood Sales Team at 401-459-6075 (TTY 711) or visit the Become a Member page to learn more.
- We’re here to help! Call Neighborhood Member Services at 1-800-459-6019 (TTY 711).
- You can also visit
#3393 Approved, 1/11/2024