Spring 2018
Ongoing prenatal and postpartum care is the best way to assure healthy moms, healthy babies and healthy families. Often postpartum visits are not completed and results in missed opportunities for assessment of any medical complications, symptoms of postpartum depression and contraception counseling.
Ways to increase patient’s adherence to postpartum visits:
- Educate patients during the prenatal period regarding the importance of postpartum appointments.
- Mail educational materials to patient’s about importance of prenatal and postpartum care.
- At an incision check, be sure a postpartum appointment is scheduled within three to eight weeks post-delivery.
- Set up postpartum visit(s) from patient’s bedside during hospital stay.
- Piggyback visits with infant appointments if both are patients at your site.
- Call the day before with a reminder or send a visit text or email alert day before.
- Call after a missed visit and follow up with a second call and/or letter.
- Update patient’s contact information at each visit.
- Schedule postpartum appointment no more than 4 to 5 weeks after delivery so that missed appointment can be rescheduled before 56 days.
- If transportation is an issue, have members call LogistiCare at 1-855-330-9133 or Neighborhood Member Services at 1-800-459-6019 (TTY 711).
Pregnant members are eligible for transportation to medical appointments beginning in their third trimester and continuing until three months postpartum.