Take a moment to learn a little more about Operations Oversight Manager, Alicia L. in this Employee Spotlight.
How long have you worked at Neighborhood? What is your position, and what do you enjoy most about your position?
I have been at Neighborhood for almost 11 years. The part that I have enjoyed the most during my time at Neighborhood is being able to help members and know that what I do has had a direct impact on a member’s life or wellbeing.
What did you do before joining Neighborhood?
I worked in the banking industry at Bank of America for several years. Although it is a very different industry, I definitively gained valuable skills and knowledge regarding customer service and other areas that have helped me prepare for the different positions I have held at Neighborhood.
Are there any projects or committees you were involved in at Neighborhood that stand out to you?
Throughout my time, I have been involved in several different projects and more recently in the Employee Experience Workgroup which has given me the opportunity to be the voice for my colleagues. Although there is still more work to do, I feel this workgroup has made a positive impact in several areas in the company.
Where were you born, and where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in El Salvador (also known as “the land of volcanoes”) in Central America and moved to the United States at the age of 18.
After graduating High School, did you start career, family, attend college/technical school, or enter the military?
After graduating High School my plan was to attend Bible College; however, my life took a completely different turn when my family decided to move to the United States. As Proverbs read, “A man chooses his steps, but the Lord directs the path.” Shortly after that I found myself taking ESL classes in Salt Lake Community College, and my higher education journey began. I graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a bachelor’s degree, and about 10 years after I had originally planned, I was able to move abroad to attend Theology school.
Is there a person or experience that inspired you to pursue a certain path?
My parents inspired me to pursue my path. I come from a missionary family, so from an early age I witnessed how my parents dedicated their lives to the wellbeing of others, whether that is spiritually, financially, emotionally, etc. and how impactful that is on others. That example has made a huge impact on the way I see this world, and on what I value in this life. Seeing how they put others before them, how they have gone to great lengths to extend a hand to the needy has shaped my outlook in life and certainly what I value as important. In short, my life revolves around my faith, church and serving others.
How do you enjoy spending time outside of work?
I love spending time with my family, and my 17-year-old dog “Freckles.” I enjoy playing volleyball in the summer, singing, volunteering at my church and coaching my Bible Memorization team. I also enjoy traveling, so I do that whenever possible, whether it is cross country or internationally.
Can you share a “Fun Fact” that others might find surprising/interesting about you?
I would definitively not label this “fun,” but perhaps “unique.” I was bit by a copperhead snake about a year ago in Texas while on vacation and wound up spending literally my entire vacation in the hospital. Also, more so on the fun side, I did hike and spelunking in Ecuador.
Is there any advice or mantra that you would share with someone interested in this work, or mission?
I can think of two things for this question: The first, and most important one is – The Golden Rule – “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” The second is – “Every challenge is an opportunity.”